Saturday, March 10, 2012

2012 1st post

hello guys. blog been dead for so long. Kindly busying for lot of stuff.
shud keep update make it more alive and more readers. LOL

It been 3months, okay, u know what, i cant write any nicee post now,
i need wreak out my anger, gosh. am deeply frustrated.
my mind stuck, emotional out of control, and fucking depressed.

there, and kindly fucking insane now! all i can think is shout out loud :
FUCK fuck fuck fuck.

what the fuck u want from me?!
i hate quarreling. a tiny minnie miney lil' things we can dig out and quarrel.
i hate it, i really hate it!
STOP it, gaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

i'm aint normal, u ain't normal either, so there's nothing we can have a normal couple life u see.
U such a honey, u attract,lure any single insect around you. fuck it. zzz
RT "how i wish to kill all guys who talk to you"

okay that it, just yelled out my thought,
sorry for the random post and annoying.


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